O.k. Here we are, with the O's playing .500 ball in early April. Let me tell you a bit about what I hope this blog will be. First off, I'm a HUGE O's fan. I live and die daily with this team. I attended FanFest last year, about 20 home games, and MAYBE missed 2-3 televised games. About me: I HATE the Yankees, and am in the process of beginning my complete and total hatred of the Red Sox. I have always had that soft spot in my heart for the underdogs, but it seems that Massachusetts is beginning to produce perennial winners.
After a lot of thought, I've decided this won't be a play-by-play blog. What's the point? If you're a fan, you can watch the game, or at least go to the Orioles website and check out the stats/scores. I WON'T be the definitive Oriole site, but I WILL offer my opinions and analysis after every game, or at the very least, after every series.
Anyway, I was there for Opening Day, and although we lost the game, I saw a bright spot for my beloved Orioles: the bullpen! After last year, when the imploding bullpen staff caused me to curse, throw things around, and almost hang myself, this new and improved 'pen has me thinking playoffs. Too much? Probably. But you have to BELIEVE! I wrote a paper last season about this subject, an I'll more than likely link it to this post if the response is positive.
I'll also include pictures of the games I attend. They aren't the best, but they should do for now.
- Opening Day: Guthrie disappointed me. I was pumped to see him shut-down the Rays. Again, I loved the bullpen. And Millar started off the season with a couple of RBIs.
- Cabrera frustrates me (as well as everyone in Baltimore) again. He's lucky the 'pen kept his ERA where it is. Huff stepped up against his former team and is now trying to reconcile his words last year with his actions on the field. Four RBIs is a good start! And again, the bullpen didn't allow a run and let the O's battle back and even the series at 1-1.
I was all set to watch and blog about the rubber-match, but it never came about: the game was postponed due to rain. I'm not surprised; I was bartending and couldn't wait to watch the game while working. Instead, I had the Yankees-Blue Jays game on. I couldn't root for either of my rivals; I hate them both. I hope that the rain won't wash away Friday's game against Seattle...and as for later this weekend...Bedard's back! I can't wait for that game!
So I'll be back at least twice a week to offer my insight on the Orioles...I'd love to hear some responses from Baltimore Orioles fans!
(photos by Jon Parr)