Aubrey Huff stayed hot; he singled and tripled, and Melvin Mora knocked in the O's only run (he now leads the Birds with 63 RBIs).
After nearly a two hour delay, the game was called...in all the confusion we left with seven 1983 pennants, though most were soaked and covered in peanut shells...and none were signed.
The game will resume today at 12:05, and the final game of the series, scheduled to begin at 12:35, will begin 20 minutes after the final out. Fans with tickets from Wednesday's game will be able to redeem them for a September home game (upper or lower reserve levels only)...
(photos courtesy of MLB.com)
I have to say, I really had a ball last night at the game even though I didn't see one pitch thrown, except MacGregor to Dempsey in the opening ceromonies. Once again, I had that ole time religious baseball feeling I used to get at Memorial Stadium. You could tell even back then that the 83 O's team was a band of brothers, so to speak. Anyway, from deep inside me, as they were each introduced onto the field with every achievment announced, I could feel the swell of overwhelming pride and joy start bubbling up and then fall from my eyes while I just kept clapping my stinging hands. A flood of memories came back with one being the final game at Memorial Stadium. Emotioal coaster ride...yup, those were the days. I used to go to lots of games just to take pictures of the outstanding ball players on either team...still have them around. Went to the Championship parade by myself and though I didn't know Baltimore streets very well, I just soaked in the excitement. However, back to last night...stopped at a baseball card shop before the game and bought some pennant protectors...had some extras for you, but didn't run into you...sorry, I was looking all around. However, I had some close encounters with the former players...talked with Tippy about his days of substituting in an elementary school and had my picture taken with Scott Mac and Gary R with the trophy. Also, met the videographer who captured the parade...bought that video, now a DVD. After roaming around the stadium, was just about to go in, sit down and eat and finally watch the game when the clouds rolled in...didn't make it to the car withoug getting drenched, but did keep my 3 pennants, one of them signed, dry in their protectors and under my umbrella...it was a wet ride home...sorry it had to end that way...good to know about what the O's are doing with the tickets...
Well it sounded like you had a blast...I wish I knew the pride of a World Series winning team! Oh well, maybe next year! Who's autograph did you get?
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