Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm Done on Sundays...

Here's a tip...don't walk and hit batters when the game is on the line...and don't do it four straight times in three straight games...and fire/release any major league pitcher who thinks that's the way to solve a problem...the O's entire pitching staff is in tatters, and we have a front row seat...ENJOY!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooh boy...those hit batters look suspiciously intended...why is coach leaving them in so long???...well, I'm not getting paid the big bucks, but my head isn't on the chopping block...speaking of blocks and block heads...Bill should have never doubted you and realized that what's printed in white and highlighted is a link...his computer savy has been enhanced by your blog...he's looking for the tickets as I write...thanks for educating the computerly challenged...I see the same "walks" cost us the game again...sorry for the long response break I took...I've been "bird" watching elsewhere...